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10 Fun Sensory Activities for an Autistic Child

Published on December 21, 2023

Parenting an autistic child can be a rewarding but challenging journey. Autism spectrum disorder (ASD) is characterised by differences in social communication and behaviour, as well as sensory sensitivities. Sensory activities play a crucial role in helping autistic children navigate their world and develop essential life skills. 

In this blog, we'll explore 10 fun and engaging sensory activities that can make a positive impact on an autistic child's life. These sensory activities for autism are designed to provide a supportive and enjoyable environment for your child to thrive.

Sensory Integration Activities for Autism

Sensory integration activities for Autism help an autistic child process sensory information more effectively. One such activity is the "sensory bin." Create a sensory bin filled with various textures, like rice, sand, or beans. Allow your child to explore and interact with different materials, stimulating their tactile senses while encouraging imaginative play.

Tactile Activities for Autism

Tactile sensitivity is common in autistic children, and tactile activities can help them become more comfortable with different textures. Try a "texture scavenger hunt." Hide various textured items around the house, like a soft plush toy, a rough sponge, or a smooth stone. Have your child find and identify each texture, promoting tactile exploration through some of the proven tactile activities for Autism.

Sensory Activities for Autism at Home

Creating a sensory-friendly home environment is essential for an autistic child's well-being. You can establish sensory "zones" within your home. Designate areas for different sensory experiences, such as a quiet space for relaxation, a sensory bin area for tactile play, and a sensory room with soothing lighting, calming music, and sensory toys. Leveraging these sensory activities for Autism can help autistic children achieve their ultimate potential. 

Sensory Games for Autism

Games are a fantastic way to engage an autistic child in sensory activities. One enjoyable game is "sensory bowling." Use soft foam bowling pins and a ball with various textures. Encourage your child to explore the textures and then roll the ball to knock down the pins, creating a fun and engaging sensory experience. Leverage these sensory games for Autism to help your autistic child achieve optimal growth in terms of physical, mental, and behavioural skills. 

Sensory Exercises for Autism

Physical activity is an important aspect of sensory integration. Engage your child in sensory exercises like "yoga for kids." There are numerous child-friendly yoga routines available online that incorporate sensory exercises for autism such as deep pressure touch, proprioceptive input, and balance exercises. These activities can help your child develop self-regulation skills.

Sensory Bottles

Sensory bottles are a simple yet effective tool for autistic children. Fill clear, plastic bottles with a combination of materials like water, glitter, and small objects. When your child shakes or rolls the bottle, they can watch the contents move, providing both visual and tactile stimulation. Sensory bottles can be used as a calming tool when needed.

Nature Walks

This is one of the key sensory ideas for Autism that can help autistic children feel comfortable and secure. Taking your child on nature walks is an excellent way to provide sensory input. The natural environment offers a variety of sensory experiences, such as the rustling of leaves, the feel of tree bark, and the scent of flowers. Encourage your child to explore and interact with nature, which can be both calming and stimulating.

Sensory Art Projects

Art can be a wonderful outlet for sensory expression. Try "finger painting with textures." Provide various textured materials like sandpaper, fabric, or bubble wrap alongside traditional paint. Your child can explore these textures while creating unique, tactile artwork, fostering creativity and sensory engagement.

Music Therapy

Music can have a profound impact on an autistic child's sensory experiences. Create a "sound exploration kit" with a variety of instruments and sound-making devices. Encourage your child to experiment with different sounds and rhythms, promoting auditory sensory engagement and self-expression through some of the proven sensory ideas for Autism.

Sensory Storytelling

Sensory storytelling is a multi-sensory approach to reading. Choose books with textured pages, scented elements, or sound effects. As you read to your child, engage them in sensory experiences related to the story, allowing them to touch, smell, or listen to elements of the narrative.


Incorporating sensory activities for autism into your child's daily routine can significantly improve their quality of life. These activities provide a safe and engaging way for autistic children to explore their sensory sensitivities, develop self-regulation skills, and express themselves. By creating a sensory-rich environment at home and incorporating fun activities like sensory bins, tactile games, and sensory art projects, you can help your child thrive while making the journey of parenting an autistic child a more enjoyable and rewarding one. 

Remember, every child is unique, so tailor these activities to suit your child's specific needs and preferences, and always consult with a healthcare professional or therapist for guidance on the best approaches for your child.
